Future Scope

Future Scope

Now a days aquaculture, or the science of breeding fishes in ‘fish farms’ is becoming quite popular and making a substantial contribution to the supermarket freezers for both fresh and saltwater fishes. In 2010, the annual capture of fish, both wild as well as farmed, accounted for up to a whopping 149 million tonnes. Over 90% of the world’s freshwater fish are caught in the Developing Countries and provide a major protein source as well as a form of livelihood to millions of poor people. Freshwater fishes and their habitats contribute to the economy through export commodity trade, tourism and recreational activities.
The freshwater fish is generally being cultured in earthen ponds under the provision of fertilization and supplementary feeding. At present, the average freshwater fish production is 2.9 t/ha and to achieve the fish production of 8.0 MMT in next five years, the present fish production level is to be enhanced to 4-5 t/ha. This increase in fish production from the existing level of 2.9 t/ha to 4-5 t/ha is possible only through the provision of supplementary feeding. Feed is the highest recurring cost in modern day aquaculture constituting about 50-60% of the total production cost. By 2050, the targeted freshwater fish production is 17.0 MMT and to achieve this target, about 23 MMT of feed is required. The availability of fish feed ingredients would be the major challenge for the aqua culturists in the coming years. Therefore, the much valued available feed resources must be used judiciously through proper feed and feeding management practices.
Fish has long been known as a great source of protein and low in fat. It is reality that most people probably don’t get enough fish in their diet, and thus don’t reap the benefits of fish. We know that adding fish to your diet is beneficial to your health, but do you realize all the health benefits of fish? The list really goes on as far as benefits are concerned, so we decided round up a few of the most important to eliminate you having to do any research.

Healthy Diet Benefits

Fish tends to be a really great source of lean protein and it’s typically really low in fat. High protein + low fat, it is very good in health point of view. Additionally, fish is filled with omega 3 fatty acids and other vitamins that our bodies flourish when given. In fact, the American Heart Association even advises that people eat fish at least a couple times a week because of the incredible benefits found in this food source. The American Heart Association also advocates eating fish regularly because studies have found that eating it on a regular basis can lower your risk of heart attack, stroke and blood pressure.

Heart + Brain Health

So aside from a great food to add to your diet for well, diet and other health reasons, fish has also been found to help increase your heart and brain health. It’s all thanks to those omega 3 fatty acids. You’ve probably heard about people take fish oil pills because of the benefits – eating them is even better!
Some of the major benefits of these omega 3 fatty acids:

  • Can help reduce inflammation
  • May reduce the risk of depression
  • Help with lowering blood pressure
  • May reduce symptoms and risk of arthritis
  • Important to development of child while pregnant
  • Can help with brain/mental health troubles in elderly

Those are just a few of the most commonly known benefits to adding these essential omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. It’s safe to say the benefits are HUGE. While there are other foods that have omega-3 fatty acid sources in them, they have found that fish has the highest amount and most beneficial amount of these acids.
Freshwater fish are those that spend some or all of their lives in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 0.05%. These environments differ from marine conditions in many ways, the most obvious being the difference in levels of salinity. To survive fresh water, the fish need a range of physiological adaptations.
41.24% of all known species of fish are found in fresh water. This is primarily due to the rapid speciation that the scattered habitats make possible. When dealing with ponds and lakes, one might use the same basic models of speciation as when studying island biogeography.